As most cat people know, cats are finicky eaters. What they scoff down one day they put their noses up the next and let you know in no uncertain terms that they’re not going to touch what you’ve dished up for them. Don’t be too annoyed because their fussiness is partly inherent, as they need to be careful about which foods cause damage. The system isn’t always perfect, however, because kitty may develop a taste for some people that you definitely should avoid feeding cats, such as canned tuna and sushi.
Raw fish causes gastrointestinal upset and can lead to convulsions. Canned tuna is especially bad for cats because it lacks the proper levels of nutrition they and can lead to malnutrition. Avoid feeding your cat raw eggs because they can cause salmonella and even E.coli.
While there are some human foodstuffs that are okay for cats to eat, they should be fed only in small portions, and then only once in a while. It’s important that you don’t indulge your cat by feeding them too much of the good stuff too often, no matter how much they like it. You should also be careful about the constituents in meals before you feed your cat any human food, as they’re very susceptible to the toxic allium components in onions and chives.
What’s good for baby … avoid feeding cats
You might think that anything that’s okay for a baby will automatically be okay for your cat; after all, they’re both delicate. However, many baby foods contain onion powder, which won’t do your cat any good.
What about bones?
It’s important not to feed your cat any bones. They’re a choking hazard and bone splinters can pierce the intestines. Also, anything that’s hard on their teeth may cause dental fractures. Fat trimmings might seem harmless but can cause gastrointestinal upset and in severe cases, pancreatitis, which is incredibly painful and can be especially dangerous in senior cats.
Caffeine kick?
Don’t ever think of giving your kitty coffee, tea or carbonated drinks. Some cats develop a taste for coffee, and though it might seem cute it can increase heart rate and agitation.
Nuts too you
Chocolate and macadamia nuts are the kind of treats that you must avoid feeding cats, even in small doses. They have a severe impact on the digestive and nervous systems and also on muscle and can cause diabetes.
Got milk?
The idea of a saucer of milk for cats is iconic; however, as cats grow to adulthood their digestive tracts become intolerant of milk. Giving adult cats milk can cause diarrhea and other stomach ailments. Most cats love cheese, so if you’re going to give your cat dairy, make sure it’s just a small piece, and only use it as a treat on rare occasions.
Needless to say you should avoid feeding cats anything containing alcohol because it can cause intoxication, coma and even death.
Other substances, like marijuana can depress the nervous system, causing vomiting and heart palpitations. Apart from being cruel, it’s also very dangerous.
Eat your fruits and veggies
Grapes, raisins and currants cause kidney damage, and human vitamin supplements containing iron are exceptionally dangerous because they damage the lining of the digestive system, and are also toxic to the liver and kidneys. If you need to supplement your cat’s intake of vitamins, it’s far wiser to visit your vet and get the proper supplements intended for cats.
Wild mushrooms, garlic, persimmon seeds, rhubarb leaves, salt, sugar and sugary foods, yeast dough, spoiled or moldy food, avocado and apricots all contain toxins that are bad for your cat’s digestive system, nervous system and in some cases muscles. The levels of toxicity depend on the food and range from mild to severe, but it’s not a good idea to test your cat’s tolerance, rather avoid them altogether. After all, vet bills can add up very quickly, depending on the treatment that is required.
Table scraps
Feeding your cat table scraps is permissible if the table scraps make up less than 10 per cent of their diet. It’s not recommended, however, because quality wet and dry cat foods are carefully balanced to provide the exact nutritional balance that your cat needs and giving your cat leftovers not only adds to their waistline but can also upset that delicate nutritional balance.
It’s also important to know the types of flowers that are dangerous to cats and you should be very careful about where your place these plants, or get rid of them entirely.
Plants like the calla lily have raphites which can penetrate tissue in the mouth, resulting in extreme oral pain, drooling and vomiting. In severe cases, the entire mouth can swell, including the lips and tongue, which makes breathing difficult. Although there are some types of lilies that aren’t hazardous to your cat’s health many varieties of lily are, as are daffodils, aloe vera, juniper, foxglove and crocus.