All posts tagged cat tips

What’s the Best Diet for Your Cat? Read our Cat Food Guide


Last year a kitten made headlines when it nearly died because its owner had it on a vegan diet. It survived but only because it was given a steady diet of meat. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need to eat meat to survive. They cannot get the protein and nutrients they need from a plant-based diet. However, it’s not as simple as stocking up on beef, chicken and tuna to keep kitty well-fed as they have complex dietary needs. Fortunately, it needn’t be complicated to meet them. Read our guide on cat food and good cat diets to keep kitty healthy.

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Guide to Healthy Cohabitation if You’re Allergic to Cats


Cats might not be as popular as dogs when it comes to family pets, but they are a favorite among city dwellers who want furry companionship but don’t have the time for dogs. Unfortunately, a large percentage of pet parents are allergic to cats, and if they aren’t chances are good that someone in their family or social circle is. Cat allergies are twice as common as allergies to dogs, but that still doesn’t mean you can’t live happily with your kitty.

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Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Cats on Pain of Death


As most cat people know, cats are finicky eaters. What they scoff down one day they put their noses up the next and let you know in no uncertain terms that they’re not going to touch what you’ve dished up for them. Don’t be too annoyed because their fussiness is partly inherent, as they need to be careful about which foods cause damage. The system isn’t always perfect, however, because kitty may develop a taste for some people that you definitely should avoid feeding cats, such as canned tuna and sushi.

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Easy Tips to Give Your Cat (and other pets) Medicine


Getting pets to take their medication is probably one of the most challenging tasks pet owners face. Cats are especially difficult because they don’t just spit out pills; they also claw and bite and put up a major fight that spills spit, half-dissolved tablets and your blood everywhere. It’s traumatic for both sides, for sure. Here are some tips on how to give your cat tablets and other meds.

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Cat Behavior: What’s it Really Like Living with Kitty?


If you’ve never had a cat before, but feel like there is a kitty-shaped hole in your life you should think carefully about your expectations. For example, do you expect your cat to sleep on your lap while you read, or to automatically use the litter box, or not to kill the birds who visit your bird-feeder. What do you know or think you know about cat behavior?

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Clever Products and Cat Toys Every Feline Parent Will Want


What’s the difference between cats and dogs? Cats see us as slaves rather than BFFs. The superior attitude is underscored by cats’ haughty attitude, which made cats equal to humans in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians. Haughty or not, cats and kittens love to play, even if it’s with the leaves outside rather than with you. Whether you have a kitty who thinks you are the bee’s knees when it comes to play, or you desperately want some ideas to make yourself more interesting to your cat, we have some great cat toys and activity suggestions for you.

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Simple & Effective Tips to Keep Your Kids and Cats Safe


At the risk of stating the obvious, cats are not dogs. They’re generally smaller, less tolerant, and have sharper teeth and claws which they keep on a hair trigger. So while you should never leave any pets and children together unsupervised, there are some cat-specific guidelines to follow for everyone’s safety. They are especially important if you have very young kids and cats or kittens.

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Awesome Cat Furniture to Satisfy You & Your Cat


Cats are famously curious; they love hidden spaces and high vantage points, so it’s not surprising that cat owners love to indulge their cats with gifts that allow them to practice these quirky characteristics. Gifts like funky and versatile cat furniture.

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5 Healthy Homemade Cat Treats to Tempt Fussy Kitties


If you have a cat, you probably know the benefits of having a few cat treats on hand. Treats are useful for a number of reasons, including training, comforting your cat, and distracting him from scratching your furniture.

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Natural Flea Remedies to Put Fleas off their Dinner


Fleas are the enemy of both pets and pet owners. They have but one goal: To attach themselves to your pet and drain their lifeblood, caring nothing for the pain and discomfort this may cause. Not only that, they also infest your poor pet with eggs, so that their vile spawn can rise up and take their place should you ever succeed in your attempts to eradicate them. They cannot be negotiated with. They must be destroyed. Weapons of choice are chemical and natural flea remedies.

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