Cats are famously curious; they love hidden spaces and high vantage points, so it’s not surprising that cat owners love to indulge their cats with gifts that allow them to practice these quirky characteristics. Gifts like funky and versatile cat furniture.
To everyone’s delight, cat furniture has taken on a new level of awesomeness. There are some really fun and functional designs that are sure to keep cats – and their parents – happy.
What are your choices when it comes to cat furniture?
Well, you’re spoiled for choice, really, with options that include:
- Houses
- Condos
- Beds
- Trees
- Towers
- Scratching Posts
- Cat Mansions
Cat beds
Gone is the simple pillow or round cushion. Modern cat beds are big business, with an increasing number of cat carers opting to give their kitty somewhere special to rest their weary heads. Some cat beds are super luxurious, with heating elements that help relax kitty’s muscles and work wonders for restoring and improving flexibility. You can also get an orthopedic cat bed designed for senior cats and cats with disabilities, which provides comfort and support for sore joints.
Maybe your cat prefers the outdoors? Lots of cats love sleeping in the fresh air, either in the shade or under the stars. If you have an outdoorsy cat there’s a great bed designed for outdoor use, which also comes with embedded heaters to maintain your cat’s body temperature.
Quirky styles are also available for those who like a bit of whimsy. For example, you can get burger-shaped cat beds, igloo-shaped beds, shark-shaped cat beds, cat caves, super-plushy beds, radiator beds (that hang over the radiator for extra warmth in winter), bedroom suite cat beds (with headboard and side cabinets), and the list goes.
Cat trees
Cat trees or towers are fantastic substitutes for real trees, especially for indoor-only cats. Your cat can scale the trees and hang out on different levels, admiring the view. Cat trees usually have scratching pads and you can dangle toys from the limbs for interactive fun. There are simple cat towers, with a couple of poles, a hidey hole and some levels for sleeping. And then there are the elaborate cat trees, or cat condos that have ladders, plush beds, hidey holes, posts galore and beams linking the posts. These super cat condos can also double as cat gyms, as your cat can get quite a work out playing, scratching and climbing.
Cat bowls, feeders and fountains
New design trends have filtered down to cat food and water bowls. Sure you can get plain old stainless or plastic bowls, but why do that when you can get ceramic bowls that are easy to clean and don’t pick up as much bacteria as plastic bowls. There are non-stick bowls and ant-proof bowls.
But why stop there?
You can get twin-bowl setups for water and food, or for cats who are very, very fond of each other. There are also food and water bowls on stands so kitty doesn’t have to bend. These are great for older cats with joint problems. You can also choose automatic feeders and food bowl mats. There are also interactive cat feeders or puzzle feeders that encourage cats to ‘hunt’ out their food.
You can also get water fountains for cats who like to drink running water (thus keeping cats away from your taps). Some water fountains trickle water downwards continuously and others have circular fountains spouting upwards.
Safety and comfort are the focus of professional cat furniture designers, and the planning and construction of the piece underscores their dedication. Specific cat furniture pieces help cats flex their body in ways that strengthen muscles and joints and ensure that your cat enjoys long-term health benefits. An added bonus is that a healthy, strong cat makes for leaner vet bills!
One of the great things about all the cool cat furniture designs is that they are functional and aesthetically pleasing. And while the jury is still out whether or not cats give a hoot how their beds, bowls or cat trees look, they certainly seem to like the way they work.