All posts tagged kittens

What are the Pros & Cons of Buying vs. Rescuing Pets? (Part 2)


The first part of our buying vs. adopting a pet series looked at buying. In this part we look at rescuing pets.

People who adopt usually do so because they believe it’s the right thing to do. After all, you can give an abandoned, neglected or abused animal a second (third or fourth) shot at a happy home.

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Important Tips Before You Bring Home a New Kitten


There are few things that inject more joy and excitement into a home, particularly if it has children, than the introduction of a kitten. If you want to keep her happy and healthy, it’s preferable to keep her in the house, especially in the beginning. Here are some of the most important things to consider when raising a kitten.

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Why do Kittens Like to Hide & How Can You Make Hidey Holes Safe?


“Mr Bigglesworth? Mr Bigglesworth! Mr Bigglesworth, where in heaven’s name are you?” Sound familiar? Okay, so maybe your cat is named Munchkin or Felix or Sam. But the bewilderment at how your kitten can disappear after turning away for five seconds is always the same. Why do our kittens like to hide so much?

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What are Intestinal Parasites & Are They Dangerous for Kittens?


It’s heartbreaking to see infants of any species suffer, but sick kittens are particularly adept at pulling the heart strings. One of the most common issues veterinarians see in kittens is intestinal parasites. Pets of any age have intestinal parasites, but they are rife in kittens living in substandard or crowded conditions. Intestinal parasites are generally easy to detect because the symptoms in infected kittens are obvious. We’ll take a closer look the symptoms below.

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Some of the Best Simple & Effective Tip to Train Your Kitten


Many people think that cats are untrainable; that the idea of walking a cat on a harness or teaching them to sit and give paw is the kind of dream dreamed by lunatics. The truth is that training cats is far more challenging than training dogs, but it’s not impossible. Follow these tips to train your kitten and you could be amazed by her skills.

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Some Top Tips for the Best Kitten Health Care


Caring for your kitten

Kittens are little more than balls of fluff when you bring them home, they’re ineffably cute but they’re also vulnerable and need a great deal of care to maintain kitten health and ensure their happiness well into adulthood.

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