All posts tagged dog tips

Fun, Interactive Games for You, Your Dog & Rainy Days


Whoever said, “Bring me a dog who doesn’t like to play and I will stand on my head,” knew the quintessential nature of man’s best friends. We love our canine companions as much as we love our children. In fact, many child-free couples love their dogs as if they were their children. And like children, dogs need to be engaged mentally as well as physically with interactive games and trick training.

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Discover What Exactly Makes Chocolate Toxic for Dogs?


It’s well-known that chocolates release feel-good hormones in people. So much so that there are those who argue that chocolate could be addictive. Just ask any self-confessed chocoholic. And, while chocolate, especially the dark kind, has proven health benefits for us, the exact opposite is true for dogs. Find out what makes chocolate toxic for dogs.

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Critical Information You Need About Anesthetic Drugs & Dogs


Worrying is perfectly acceptable when any of your loved ones undergo surgery. It’s not always necessary with routine procedures, but it’s still allowed. Of course, we include our furkids in the loved ones category. So even when they’re just getting sterilized– which is as routine as it gets for pets – we worry. As it turns out, there are some breeds for whom worry is more justified than others. This is because they don’t react as well as to general anesthetic drugs as other breeds.

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Dental Care Tips That Could Save Your Dog’s Life


What do you think of the idea of brushing your dog’s teeth? More importantly, what does your dog think of the idea? Dogs, like people, can suffer from gingivitis (gum disease) and other dental problems, including plaque and tartar build up, cavities and, as we all know, bad breath. Brushing your dog’s teeth a few times a week can prevent these and other serious problems. But how do you go about it? Read on for important dental care tips.

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Discover Great Tips to Ensure Your Dog Always has Clean Ears


Most dog parents know about ‘bad ears’, an unpleasant condition that causes pain, itchiness and a yeasty smell that lets you know whenever you dog is within a 10-foot radius. It’s often caused by allergies, mites and water in the ears after swimming, but it can also occur when you’re lax about your routine to ensure your dog has clean ears.

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The Best Tips to Choose Safe Toys for Your Dog


Dogs love toys: That is undisputed. The dog toy industry is booming: That is also undisputed. Sadly, there is no regulation in the dog toy industry. This means the materials don’t have to meet safety requirements, and neither do the finished toys. So there are safe and unsafe toys out there, and it’s up to pet parents to become savvy shoppers. We’ve got some great tips so you can find safe toys that are also fun for your dogs.

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How to Introduce New Pets to the Household (Part 2)


We looked at how to introduce new cats to resident dogs and cats in a previous post. Today we’re going to look at how to introduce new dogs to resident dogs.

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Simple Guide on How to Teach Your Dog to Love Play


Play is an important part of your dog’s life, but sometimes playing with Fluffy is easier said than done. Some dogs are reluctant to play. They may simply not like it, or they might never have learnt how. Shelter dogs (especially puppies) who don’t get much contact with people, often don’t learn how to play. In fact, human play behavior and people-operated toys are a scary mystery. Don’t stress, because it’s never too late to teach your dog to play.

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For Sanity’s Sake! Go On and Play With Your Dog!


How often do you let loose and really play with your dog? Most of us don’t play with our dogs as much as we would like – life is just too busy. We can manage a couple of walks a day and some attention whenever our canine kids come looking for it, but finding the time for romping on the lawn is tricky.

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Easy to Use Tips on How to Make Your Own Dog Shampoo


When bath time looms your dog either turns into a pile of quivering jelly, hides under a tree, or goes stiff as board at the first sight of dog shampoo. If your dog resists bath time with every fiber of her being, you may go to extremes to hide her fate. But even if you think you’ve got every base covered, your dog is always one step ahead of you.

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