Ragdoll cats come from an entirely unpedigreed stock. They originated in North America in the 1960s and were bred from different longhaired and semi-longhaired cats. It was generations before Ragdolls were officially recognised as a breed by cat fanciers.
Now they’re one of the ten most popular cat breeds in the world. They’re quite big cats, so don’t get a ragdoll if you’re looking for a lightweight.
They’re also stunningly attractive with semi-longhair and blue eyes. Ragdoll cats are pointed. This means their bodies are lighter than their points (extremities, face and ears). They come in a variety of colors, including seal, chocolate, blue and lilac. In addition to traditional colorpoint patterns, Ragdoll coats come in two other pointed types: bi-color with a white V on their faces and white tummy, legs and ruff; mitted with white feet and chin. Ragdolls are also known as puppycats, due to their playful nature and the fact that they absolutely love human companionship, which makes them ideal companions for any family.
There two options if you want to add a Ragdoll to your family: 1) You can research Ragdoll breeders and choose one that is reputable, properly registered and uses clean bloodlines, or 2) You can contact cat rescue organisations to find out if they have any kittens or adult cats available for adoption. Adoption is highly recommended because you save a life while enhancing yours.
Ragdoll Facts & Information
Life expectancy: approx. 17 years
Size: Height: 48 in. Weight: 10 – 20 lb.
Temperament: Ragdolls have a sweet and gentle nature with a naturally loving personality. They love people and tend to follow them around wherever they go, flopping on their laps or on the floor whenever they stop for a while. Ragdolls even enjoy being picked up and carried (hence the name), so they’re a hit with children. Just make sure your children know how to hold a Ragdoll properly and teach them to treat her with respect at all times. They’re playful and enjoy interactive games and they’re intelligent and like learning tricks. Make sure you only use positive reinforcement reward-based clicker training. Call in a professional trainer to help you understand the science behind the method. Ragdoll cats also get on well with other pets.
Exercise: Ragdolls have a natural fatty pouch under their tummies, but that is still no excuse for a tubby cat. They are prone to weight gain, so you need to engage in a lot of energetic, interactive games (like fetch) to manage their weight. Fortunately, they love to play and this will also improve your bond with your cat. You can train ragdolls to walk in a harness, so you have another option when it comes to exercise.
General care: Ragdolls have soft, silky semi-longhaired coats which, fortunately, don’t mat easily. You will still need to comb them twice a week to get rid of dead hair and to make sure they don’t have any tangles under their arms. Check their nethers regularly to ensure that they are clean. You need to clip their nails and brush their teeth.
Health concerns: Ragdolls are fairly robust cats, but there are some common health problems that plague the breed. These include heart disease, bladder stones, and feline infectious peritonitis. Don’t forget to find out about pet cat insurance when you’re looking for a Ragdoll to add to your family.
Final word
Ragdoll cats are so gentle that they don’t have much of a hunting instinct, so if you value the bird life around your home, you can (probably) rest assured that they’ll be safe. Ragdolls don’t even extend their claws during play, which is another bonus if you have small children. They’re also not big climbers or jumpers, rarely going much higher than a comfy couch or your bed. Unlike many other cat breeds, Ragdolls love water, so don’t be surprised if you have company in the shower or even in the bath. They’re highly adaptable to a variety of living conditions, so they do just as well in a flat as in a spacious house, just remember to provide plenty of activities and mental stimulation. All in all, you’d have to look long and hard before finding a more suitable feline companion.