Birman cats regularly rank among the top 10 preferred cat breeds in the world, and it’s no wonder with their good looks and friendly personalities. They originated in Burma (now Myanmar) but came close to extinction before intense efforts saved the breed.
When was the last time you went for a check-up? You know, blood pressure, cholesterol, maybe your blood sugar levels. Or maybe you have recently gone for an eye exam. We have regular checkups because we want to know that we are healthy. We also want to ensure our doctors can pick up any abnormalities as soon as possible. The same applies to your pet. Be it a dog, cat, parrot or rat – all animals need to have regular pet wellness exams to ensure they are as healthy as possible.
Those of us who have canine companions tend to adore them and will do almost anything for them. Well, American TV company CEO Gilad Neumann has taken that devotion a step further. He has created a cable channel specially for pets with a waggy tail. Yes, TV for dogs is a real thing, and it’s actually not a bad idea.
Whoever said, “Bring me a dog who doesn’t like to play and I will stand on my head,” knew the quintessential nature of man’s best friends. We love our canine companions as much as we love our children. In fact, many child-free couples love their dogs as if they were their children. And like children, dogs need to be engaged mentally as well as physically with interactive games and trick training.
As if we needed any more reason to value the companionship of dogs, it turns out that kids benefit from having a dog around in more ways than previously thought. Popular culture is filled with examples of dogs protecting children and rescuing them from danger. Now research shows that Lassie may not have just rescued Timmy from the well physically, but also metaphorically. Find out more about the benefits of a healthy relationship between kids and dogs.
It’s well-known that chocolates release feel-good hormones in people. So much so that there are those who argue that chocolate could be addictive. Just ask any self-confessed chocoholic. And, while chocolate, especially the dark kind, has proven health benefits for us, the exact opposite is true for dogs. Find out what makes chocolate toxic for dogs.